Cosmetic Colored Contacts – Effects Lenses For Everyone

People are constantly trying to find ways to change themselves. Today, they have the ability to also change the color of their eyes with the use of cosmetic colored contacts. Whether you want blue or brown eyes or really want to stand out at the next Halloween party, you can be sure that there will be a pair of lenses to fit any occasion.

crazy blue contacts People often change their outlook on life by creating a new self on the outside. Often the change is not really a drastic one like changing the color of your hair or even changing the color of your shirt. Today, you can go a step further by changing the color of your eyes with cosmetic colored contacts. If you thought that the only people that wore contact lenses had vision problems then think again. Cosmetic colored contacts are becoming ever so popular and come in a wide variety of colors and styles and are mostly used to either enhance your appearance or create a special look.

Unless you have worked in either the movie or theater industry, chances are that you would not have been accustomed to cosmetic colored contacts in previous years. These lenses were primarily used as special effects tools in most movies involving creatures of the dark like zombies, vampires etc… Today, these same contact lenses are available to the public and are used for anything from a Halloween party to someone just wanting to change the color of their eyes.

Special Effect, Colored and Cosmetic Colored Contacts

Special effects contacts are produced in mass or can even be custom made. The only difference between the two is the price. The idea behind each lens can usually be traced back to popular movies and are often associated to a particular character within that movie. An example of this would be the film The Lost Boys.

There are also the generic types of cosmetic colored contacts that look like cats’ or snakes’ eyes. Wearing these colored contact lenses, will completely allow you to look as if you really have eyes like cats or snakes without affecting your normal vision. There are also wolf eye versions available.

Another popular type of special effects contacts is the Zombie or Blind eye. These contacts give the impression of a solid milky eye. The only problem with those contacts is that you cannot actually see through them and it is for that reason that a lot of people only wear them on the one side.

Fire eye contacts give them impression that the eyes are red or engulfed in flames whereas black sclera contacts look like your entire eye has been filled with black oil and are completely motionless. If you want your eyes look like mirrors, then mirrored eye contacts are the way to go and hemorrhaged eye contacts will make your eyes appear like you have just had a very heavy night on the town.

You can even find cosmetic colored contacts that will make your pupils look larger that what they really are and who can forget the glow in the dark lenses.

Whatever the occasion, purpose or just a simple change, you can rest assured that there are cosmetic colored lenses that will fit any situation. However, it is important to note that although you might not have a vision problem, you will still need to get a prescription from a qualified eye doctor to get cosmetic colored contacts.

By Michael Marchand
Published: 6/7/2008

cosmetic colored eye contacts review

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